Tim Collins Tim Collins

Strategies to Reduce Spam Messages on Facebook: A Guide by Tim Collins Media.

In today's digital age, social media platforms like Facebook play a crucial role in connecting people, sharing information, and fostering communities. However, the rise of spam messages has become a persistent issue that can hinder the overall user experience. Tim Collins Media, your local social media agency in the Macedon Ranges, is here to help you take control of your Facebook inbox and reduce spam messages effectively.

Follow these instructions to create a cleaner, more enjoyable online environment.

Go to Inbox in Meta Business Manager and click on Automations

"Create Automation" then "Start from Scratch"

Name it something like Spam Filter

Channel "Messenger"

Under "When this happens" choose "New Message Received"

Add Condition "Any of the following"

Under "Condition 1" choose "Keyword" and input a keyword typically used by scammers but not in your regular operations, such as "Copyright"

Repeat for a few other keywords as needed - be sure to add one keyword at a time as Condition 2, Condition 3, etc

Under "Take this Action" choose "Mark as" and then under "How do you want to manage your thread?" choose "Move to Spam"

Save changes

Update as needed - this cuts down on spam messages quite a bit.

By implementing these strategies, you can reclaim control of your Facebook inbox and enjoy a safer, more enjoyable social media experience.

Tim Collins Media is committed to supporting your online journey in the Macedon Ranges and beyond, ensuring that you make the most out of your social media interactions. Stay connected, stay secure!

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